Here we are, a modern missionary family. We are the Kitchens... I guess I should explain. Kitchen is our last name. My name is Lucas. My wife is Kristah, and our daughter is Eily and our son is Eli. By the end of 2014 I had built up a decent video production and graphic design business. I produced scores of commercial projects for a boatload of clients each year. After three-quarters of a decade doing that, I found myself wishing for something deeper. 

The month before Eily was born, we made a life change. We jumped into full-time media missionary work. You might think of it something like an online pastor. Though, Our pulpit is not the wooden stage-locked behemoth of yesteryear. We speak, preach, and share the message of Jesus online through media. 

If you've spent any time online you'll notice that the secular worldview is well represented by numerous voices. We want to be a voice of reason and hope in a world of self-reliant secularism. We've been in awe of the way in which this website, and ministry has taken off. In less than a year, we've reached over 11 million people. We continue to grow. If you're looking for a cause to support, we would love for you to come alongside us and join the ministry by supporting
Thank you, friends!