Lucas' New Book, Naked Grace

I'm pleased to present my new book, Naked Grace: A quest for clarity in a world of confusion. I'd like to say, "Thank You" to all of those who pre-ordered! Due to your pre-order support, Naked Grace released with a top 100 status on Amazon. (It's #1 for its category as of this writing), no easy task. I'm so thankful to the readers who have shown this book such generous support so far.
If you don't have your copy yet you may want to get it soon. It's only $.99 for a limited duration. We've decided to leave the pre-order price up for a short time as a celebration for its solid release position. If you hurry, you can still get it while it's just under a buck.
In NAKED GRACE, Lucas Kitchen uses wit, humor, brutal honesty, and visual storytelling to invite you along for his life-long quest for answers. Confusion about the Christian faith plaguing every leg of the journey, clarity was always beyond arm's reach. The search seemed hopeless. He was about to give up when everything changed. This self-deprecating tale will resonate with anyone who has wrestled with unanswered questions and is dying to know the truth.